Consignment is the process by which we sell furniture in our location for our clients to our customers. The client maintains ownership of the goods until the goods sell. “Consignment” simply means “we sell it on the behalf of the owner”. Consignment with Refurnish Pagosa is Smart …Sensible …Safe & …Simple!!!

Consign with Refurnish Pagosa
Refurnish Pagosa is a furniture and home accessories focused consignment store in the Pagosa Springs area (we have 600+ consigners). We have one of the largest showrooms, which allows us to display furniture in beautiful staged settings. Furniture arrives weekly from within the community (throughout Archuletta County) and we market our business to help sell items quickly.
Approved Items
Refurnish Pagosa accepts high quality used household furnishings & accessories that are clean, in almost new condition, modern (and vintage style), and seasonal items. We do not accept all items and reserve the right to decline damaged items. We also reserve the right to refuse any items due to condition, current inventory, or past experience.
We determine the price of all consigned merchandise based on similar items sales history and our experience. The brand of an item, its’ condition and current demand assist in pricing a consigned piece.
Accepted Items for Consignment
Refurnish Pagosa travels with the Pagosa Springs area to view items, contact us to arrange a viewing of your items. We require pictures via email prior to viewing (with descriptions).
Money Percentages
A Consigner will receive 50% of the determined sales price regardless if we pick up the piece(s) or it's brought into our store location. If we pick up the item(s) there is a $50 fee that will be deducted from the sell.
Time Frame
Refurnish Pagosa contracts are based on a 90 day agreement. The initial price of an item, is reduced after 30 days by 20%; after 45 days it is reduce a total of 35%; and after 60 days it is reduced to 50% of its’ original price. At any point, you will receive either 50% of the determined sales price.
After 90 days
Items will remain in the Refurnish Pagosa inventory for a total of 10 days after the expiration of an agreement. Items may be picked up within that period. After the 100th day all items become the property of Refurnish Pagosa.
Pickup and Delivery Services
Refurnish Pagosa will pick up items for a fee of $50.00 if the items have been approved for consignment by Refurnish Pagosa. There is a delivery charge of for delivery of purchased goods within the Pagosa Springs area (depending on the weight, size and amount of pieces).
Refurnish Pagosa pays it's consigners via eCheck on a monthly basis.
Refurnish Pagosa
Looking for a place to find that beautiful piece of furniture that you’ve been eyeing? How about a store that sells new & used quality furniture? What about that art you just haven’t been able to find? Look no further – Refurnish Pagosa offers an array of home shopping, consignment, art and more! Let us know if we can help you acquire that piece of furniture that you're looking for.